Download any of the following Supra Cables catalogues
(older versions lower down the page)
Windows users: RIGHT CLICK on any of the images shown and then click on "Save
Target As"
You can then view the entire Supra cable range off-line.
All catalogues are in Adobe PDF format, so if you need the Acrobat Reader, please
click here to download Adobe Acrobat
Reader Software.
2014-2018 Catalogue
(12 Mb)
LoRad Cables catalogue
(5 Mb)
JenTech HDMI cables leaflet
Older catalogues:
2013 Catalogue
English (16
2009 Catalogue
English (12 Mb)
2006 Catalogue
English (7 Mb)
other language versions are here:
German - Italian
- Spanish
2005 Catalogue
English (3.4 Mb)
2004 Catalogue
English (1.6 Mb)
other language versions are here:
French - Portuguese
- Swedish
(For 2004 catalogues in Russian, Spanish and Swedish
languages - please
click here)
2003/2004 Catalogue

English (1.6 Mb)
2001/2002 Catalogue

English (0.8 Mb)
2000 Catalogue

English (1.4 Mb)
1999/2000 Catalogue
English (3.3Mb)