Supra Fibre Optic Cables - for digital audio signals
ZAC Fibre Optic cables for MD, CD, SACD, DVD, DVD-Audio and
LaserDisc use

The new range of fibre optic cables have been introduced to bring Supra quality
to the field of digital audio transmission from DVD and CD players. The Zero
Attenuation Concept (ZAC) has been designed to minimise losses and
make the cost-effective plastic optic fibre achieve the same transmission quality
as that of glass fibre cores.
This is achieved by an innovative curving of the fibre core tip to ensure a zero
divergence loss at the input and output of the cable.
The ZAC cables are now available in a number of formats:

1) ZAC - Supplied with metal body TosLink connectors
at both ends, the ZAC cables can be supplied in the following lengths:
15cm, 30cm, 1m, 2m, 4m, 5m, 8m, 10m, 15m and 20m. ZAC cable has
been awarded a "BRONZE" level award by Hi-Fi Choice (Nov
2) ZACMinTos - Again the same high quality ZAC cable, but
fitted with a miniTosLink connector at one end and a standard TosLink
connector at the other. (Used between CD players and MiniDisc recorders).
Available in 15cm, 30cm, 1m, 2m and 4m lengths.

The above shows both the standard TosLink plug and the mini-TosLink
plug, as fitted to a Supra ZAC MinTos cable.
3) ZACMini - The same cable as used with ZAC, but fitted
with mini-TosLink connectors at both ends (suitable for use with
portable MiniDisk players and recorders). Available in 15cm, 30cm
and 1m lengths.